Repositori STT Amanat Agung
Repositori STT Amanat Agung adalah wadah koleksi, preservasi, dan distribusi materi-materi digital, khususnya skripsi dan tesis mahasiswa, juga disertasi, buku dan artikel karya dosen.
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Ivan Christian
(STT Intheos Surakarta, 2023-09)
Sejak tiga dekade lalu, banyak ahli pelayanan kaum muda dan homiletika yang menawarkan beberapa strategi untuk dapatmenolong pelayan kaum muda dalam usahanya berkhotbah secara efektif kepada kaum muda. Namun, usaha ...
Tiatira Teresa Dewantoro; Astri Sinaga
(Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson, 2023-12)
Christian education is always meant to transform the lives of the students. However, the understanding of the superiority of ratio becomes the base of most educational practices, including Christian education. This ...
Yeremia Yordani Putra; Andreas Himawan; Y. K. Susanta
(University of the Free State, 2024-12-17)
This article shows that Barth’s Christological anthropology can contribute to conversations about interreligious relations. Using constructive analysis methods, this ...
Astri Sinaga
(Pusat Studi dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kaum Muda STT Amanat Agung, 2024-11)
Armand Barus
(Scripture Union Indonesia, 2024)
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